Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Light My Fire - Fabled Deck [March 2012]

Monsters: 20-22
2 Doppelwarrior
2 Fabled Grimro
1 Fabled Krus
2 Fabled Kushano
1 Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness
1 Junk Synchron
1 Sangan
0-1 Spell Striker
3 The Fabled Cerburrel
2 The Fabled Chawa
2 Ganashia
3 Tour Guide from the Underworld
0-1 Weeping Idol

Spells: 10-12
1 Book of Moon
1 Card Destruction
1 Dark Hole
0-1 Foolish Burial
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mind Control
0-1 Monster Gate
1 Monster Reborn
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Reinforcement of the Army

Trap: 8
2 Fiendish Chain
3 Reckless Greed
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Torrential Tribute

Extra: 15
Ally of Justice Catastor
Ancient Sacred Wyvern
Armory Arm
Black Rose Dragon
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Fabled Ragin
Fabled Valkyrus
Formula Synchron
Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
Scrap Dragon
 T.G. Hyper Librarian
The Fabled Unicore
Leviair the Sea Dragon
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
Wind-up Zenmaines

I only allotted for the 4 best techs this format. Others can be added in, but not my personal preference.
I recommend not letting the monster count dip below 20 if you use the other techs that I did not allot for.
This is the fruit of months of testing, though this is a new format. My word is not God's, but I do spend a lot of time working on the deck.

And that's all for Fableds, for now. Might do more with more testing later in the format. Thank you for reading this, and I hope it helps anyone that would like to run Fableds ^^

Fabled Techs [March 2012]

Sadly, a deck like this doesn't have too much in the ways of techs, but there area few you can do, though some of them promote different variants of the basic deck.
  • Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator
A very straightforward tech that can give the deck a little more S/T protection. It's easy to get out the tuners needed for its effect and the cost is relatively non-existent here. If you're looking for a non-Fabled tuner besides Junk Synchron, this would be your guy.
  • Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
Yes, this is indeed a TECH in Fableds. There's no real reason to run it as it's just a luck sacky boss monster that doesn't really do anything for the synergy of the deck and can clog on rare occasion. The slot it uses can generally be better spent on other things to boost consistency.
  • Dandylion
 Anyone who's been in the game for a bit knows this adorable little demon. Alas, with the death of Glow-up Bulb, a chain reaction went off to make this not as good in Fableds. Doppelwarrior usually covers the same job but better, and it doesn't eat your normal summon up. Only case this is really close to superior in this deck is with Foolish burial, but... We'll get to that.
  • Quickdraw Synchron + Drill Warrior
By teching 1-2 Quickdraw into the deck you gain some extra ways to dump Kushano as well as a discard outlet that constantly allows you to plus and poke the opponent. This variant of the deck was a lot better while Glow-up was alive, but it's still recommended you run Dandylion and Level Eater if you run Quickdraw, especially more than 1. If you run more than 1 Quickdraw you should also add either a Junk Destroyer or Road Warrior to the deck, whatever your preference, but we already covered the cramped Extra Deck.
  • Level Eater
 Synchro Shenanigans out the wazoo by teching a single copy of this card into your deck. Sadly, it's not as good now that Glow-up died and took One for One with it for the deck. It tends to clog now and is a decent tech, but not really recommended for now. Again, Foolish Burial will be addressed soon. Put @0-1
  • Snipe Hunter
 Nice Lv. 4 that opens up Synchro plays that can potentially net a profit off of them. It's a bit outclassed and sometimes slow but it can definitely help out at the right time, and is one of the better techs.
  • Spell Striker
 Lv. 3 Warrior with less than 1500 ATK is a nice little tech that can be summoned for no cost, really. It can poke the opponent without fear of battle damage, and it's quick Synchro fodder that empties the hand. It's not a bad card at all, if you want to tech it, just unneeded. Only 1 if you do.
  • The Fabled Nozoochee
 The only Fabled that really qualifies as a tech. It's just a bit subpar and unneeded in the deck. If you feel risky enough and somehow have an extra slot you can tech 1.
  • Weeping Idol
 In exchange for Lv. 3 Warrior pokimg Synchro Fodder, you can have a DARK Lv. 2 that pairs nicely with Tour Guide for a +0 Synchro from hand using Leviair to get back what this banishes. Considerign that will probably be a Lv. 4 or 5 it has some nice targets and it's a nice combo piece, but more than 1 is inconsistent. Run 1 if any.
  • M-X-Saber Invoker 
 This is one of those cards that makes the deck a whole new variant. The deck can summon Rank 3s without batting an eyelash so it's not hard to set off. You can run this +2 Wind-up Soldier or 2 X-Saber Galahad and a XX-Saber Hyunlei in the Extra. Alternately, 1 Soldier and 1 Galahad. The fact that you'll most likely ditch a Kushano for its effect, a Cerburrel in hand can make an instant Lv. 6 or 7 Synchro. Or a Grimro when Kushano is face-up. I wouldn' recommend running this variant unless you're looking more for fun.
  • Foolish Burial
 Another card that doesn't seem like a tech, but it is. Well, this format at least. It can set up big plays and it's easily the best -1 in the game, but it's not necessarily best for the deck, when the only great targets this format are the Kushanos shared with Tour Guide. It's useful, but as a tech.
  • Monster Gate
 With Tour Guide, Sangan, and Kushano in the deck, it has 6 targets that can easily make up for its cost. It's a +0 minimum, more often than not, and has a tendency to be a great +1 to set off your plays and thin your deck. One of the better techs.
  • Divine Wrath and other traps of the sort.
 See this? This is a side tech option, if anything, because we are in the TCG. In the OCG Raigeki Break is actually pretty good because its chainable and can hinder Inzektors more consistently than Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, which is also decent-ish there. This serves the same point as those two while not being chainable. You can tech 1-2 in the SIDE if you don't have ny other options or feel a bit risky.

Well, that's all for Fableds except the sample deck itself. Thank you for reading this, and I hope it helps anyone that would like to run Fableds ^^

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fabled Extra Deck [March 2012]

Fableds are known for having the most cramped Extra Deck of any deck and always trying to find ways to fit everything they really want into it. Fableds depend on the Extra Deck because they're mostly low ATK monsters without it. Their bosses reside there, and give them the power to explode in no time flat.

So, let's cover Fabled Synchros first, whether you should run them or not, first.
  • Fabled Leviathan
 Behold the Fabled's ultimate "boss" from the Duel Terminal Storyline... Who is absolute garbage. Lots of players ran him under the logic of "Mind Control a Level 8 + Cerburrel", but that logic is just terrible, especially in the modern metagame. DO NOT RUN THIS TOILET PAPER.
  • Fabled Ragin
 Gogogodrawengine. This is one of the two best Fabled Synchros, and it's arguable if this or Unicore is on top. Ragin gives the deck a quick way to +1 at a minimum, if your hand is empty when it's summoned. Should be run at 1, 2 if you're playing IRL and have Extra Space due to not having Catastor. The problem with it being at more than 1 and not a Catastor is that running even 1 non-Fabled Tuner, say Junk Synchron, you only have 1 generic Lv. 5 and it can dead draw.
  • Fabled Valkyrus
 2900 ATK, a nice effect that can easily be turned into "Draw 1 card"... Me gusta. This is right beneath Unicore and Ragin in terms of usefulness. It's easy to summon and it can get over almost any monster it runs into. I seriously recommend running this in one of your two level 8 slots, but you don't have to.
  • The Fabled Kudabbi
... Why is there an Infernity in the Fabled archetype? In all seriousness, it's not bad, it's just not exactly GOOD. There's no reason to run this over Unicore or even Armory Arm, so don't consider running it at anything more than 0, except for some fun variant.
  • The Fabled Unicore
 And finally the pony. He is possibly the most hilarious card in the game, promoting player interaction. It's easy to manipulate your hand in Fableds, because of the amount of drawing and discarding you do, so this can be a card stunner for the rest of the turn. You can also manipulate during your opponent's turn by using Reckless Greed. ALWAYS run 1.

With those 5 out of the way, it begs the question "If only 4 of their Synchros go in the extra, max, why is it so cramped?". Well, here's the biggest potential Extra deck targets they also want to fit in:

  • Ally of Justice Catastor
 Best generic level 5 that isn't Librarian. It gains a spot in the deck because of the cases its useful in and the fact that it's generic on the off chance you use another tuner/need Junk to make a level 5 and Librarian is used. Run 1 over a second Ragin, and you're set.
  • Ally of Justice Decisive Armor
 Level 10 Sycnhro beatstick with an occasionally live effect that can do you a good deal of good, especially in LIGHT heavy formats. Sadly, there is no room for this in the deck, so do NOT run it.
  • Ancient Sacred Wyvern
 The hidden Fabled boss. You'll hardly use its revival effect, but it's ATK gain is great for OTKs that the deck can set up, and lead you into a quick game ender. Amazing card that should always be @1 in a Fabled Extra Deck.
  • Armory Arm
 You won't be using the equip effect THAT much, but it's hilarious when paired with Wind-up Zenmaines. Run it at 1 because its good to always have a generic option in addition to Unicore.
  • Black Rose Dragon
 It's a nuke that can be reborned as a beater. What's not to like, especially when it's a great come back option? It's timing is also nice because of Doppelwarrior. Run at 1.
  • Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
 He is extremely beneficial to the deck, given how he clears the field for no cost and can become a draw engine with Librarian. Another amazing thign is how it counters Maxx "C". All you need is 2 of the following cards in any combination: Kushano (no more than 1), Fabled Lurrie (We didn't cover him because he's bad), and  Cerburrel. But, don't go into this loop lightly. If they also run Veiler or Fiendish Chain, which they probably do, you don't want to loop unless you have Card Destruction in hand or set. tl;dr run it now.
  • Formula Synchron
 Free +0 Synchro, minimum? Why, yes please! This is good in the same sense as Ragin, but it's limited. In the current format you're only gonna summon it via Chawa and a Doppel Token, but that's no reason not to run it. Run at 1 because it's limited. Did I mention it's an amazing Tuner?
  • Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
 The aforementioned Veiler and Fiendish Chain are annoying... So we have this guy! He's a great beater that's easy to summon, and he gives you another level 6 to go into that isn't Brio. I recommend running him at, you guessed it, 1, but it's all preference.
  • Mist Wurm 
 Trishula is dead, so this is his replacement... And it's not even remotely in the same league as the ice deity. It's not that great except a field clear that you already achieved with Brio more often than not. If you run it, it takes Gaia Knight's spot, but havign the LEvel 6 is better. If the Extra Deck was bigger, this would be run.
  • Scrap Dragon
 Nice, generic level 8 that can help clear the field while allowing you opportunities to +1 off of its effect. It's the best generic level 8 and there's no reason for you not to run it. Keep it in your deck @1.
  • Shooting Quasar Dragon
 The boss monster of all Synchros that is pretty much good game once it gets out!... But don't run it. the slot it eats is precious, and the fact that it eats up a second for SSD is just a deal breaker. The space can be better used and you can easily win without it. Until the Extra deck grows a good deal, do not run this, no matter how badly you want to...
  • Shooting Star Dragon
 Absolutely amazing boss card... But it was overshadowed by Quasar and when Formula was limited it lost all popularity, really. You shouldn't run it because it eats precious slots that could be used on other things instead of a situational boss monster. Only run if the extra deck grows a good deal.
  • Stardust Dragon
 Great card, but between 2500 ATK and the fact that Inzektors find him hilarious, among other things, it's better to run Valkyrus. It's fine and good but 3 level 8s is pushing it. Don't run it unless there's an even more destruction heavy format.
  • T.G. Hyper Librarian
 The Synchro deity who was limited for the sheer amount of advantage he allowed you to maintain at the very least... Except now he's just as broken as he was before the limit, but without being able to double up. He's an amazing draw engine that there is no excuse not to main as much as you can per format.
  • Leviair the Sea Dragon
 Tour Guide makes it a +1 in and of itself. You can choose when to summon it, so there's no fear of it being dead. Rank 3 staple, and that's no exception here.
  • Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
 Another Rank 3 staple, but this one's used in more a push for game or a big play. It's honestly one of those cards you want to get rid of but there's nothing better and you miss it once you remove it. Run it at 1.
  • Number 20: Giga-Brilliant
Same as 17, except the fact it covers your whole field as opposed to itself, but don't run this due to not enough space.
  • Number 61: Volcasaurus
 2 Level 5 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card to target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; destroy the target, then inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's original ATK. This card cannot attack your opponent directly during the turn you activate this effect.

 A nice, balanced +0 that can be used when your opponent has a boss monster or you're ready to push for game. The easy ability to make Level 5 Synchros with the decks makes sure it's easy to summon... But there's not enough space, so don't run it unless the Extra gets boosted.
  • Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
 Same as 61 for cases where you're not staring down a boss monster or something along those lines. Still don't run it.
  • Wind-up Zenmanes
 The penultimate chump blocker is probably the best rank 3 in the deck's arsenal. An absolutely amazing card that you shouldn't feel bad about having a Kushano attached to it, because it'll stall until you're ready to really explode or just put Kusha in grave for a quick +1. Run without a second thought, and you'll go into this more than the other 2. Run 1.

And that's jsut an inkling of what they want in their Extra Deck, so it's easy to see why it's cramped. I'll post an optimal build later, after I go over the  techs. Thank you for reading this, and I hope it helps anyone that would like to run Fableds ^^

Fabled Main Deck [March 2012]

Fabled monsters are a group of fallen angels and have a mini-archetype, called The Fableds, within it comprised of LIGHT Beasts based on animals in assorted mythologies. The general gimmick of the deck is discarding, though it's more monster based than Dark Worlds. This has caused a negative mindset that anything that discards is good in Fableds among those who play casual decks or are newer to the Metagame.

The deck is themed towards swarming the field and summoning Synchros while using cards like Formula Synchron, T.G. Hyper Librarian, and Fabled Ragin to draw more cards and maintain the advantage spent on the Synchros. They also don't need a Normal Summon to explode in a fair few cases, which gives the deck a lot of speed.

Fableds also have a lot of extraneous members who don't add anything to the group, though a small handful work quite well together. Let's detail those first:
  • Fabled Grimro
 Anyone should be able to see the appeal of this card. It's a Reinforcement of the Army for the archetype so it should clearly be run in 3s at all times, right? Wrong. Despite the fact that Grimro is an absolutely AMAZING searcher, she has a tendency to dead draw if you run her at 3. 2 is the optimal number here, because she can still open up huge plays.

Speaking of those plays, it all depends on what card you open with as to how you use her. Open Tour Guide from the Underworld and Grimro? Ganashia. Open Kusha/Tour Guide/Ganashia/Cerb and Grimro and Chawa? Krus or Ganashia. Swap that Chawa in hand with Krus? Chawa. It all depends on the set up you have, and the plays will become more evident to you as you play the deck.
  • Fabled Krus
 Next up is Krus, the crying child. She is probably the best combo piece in the deck, given how searchable she is and how easy it is to discard her. She can even revive 2 of the Archetype's Synchros in addition to the plethora of Tuners and non-Tuners you already run. Sadly, she has the same illness as Grimro; Dead drawing in higher numbers. The optimal number for her is 1-2 because you can search her easily, but it is a pain in the ass to draw her without a Fabled in Grave.

Abslutely amazing in tandem with Chawa though it's good in a lot of situations.
  • Fabled Kushano
 Now, here's the constant +1 outlet for the deck's discarding. In older formats it was run at 1, but in the past few formats it's found a new place at 2, thanks to Tour Guide. Unlike most decks with cards that serve a similar purpose to this, it's not so bad to draw into it unless you draw both copies. However, it's rather easy to get into the graveyard to avoid those dead draws. It also gives life to Fabled Valkyrus, but that'll be addressed later.

... As a side note, I'm not sure if it's a guy or a girl. No one seems to know...
  • The Fabled Cerburrel
 Behold the super tuner of Fableds! This three-headed mutt is the Archetype's lynchpin, giving it a level 2 LIGHT Tuner for almost every situation imaginable that easily fills Grimro's conditions. This is an amazing example of card design- So simplistic, yet it does its job so well. Should be run in 3s.

It has another use... But that'll be covered when we get to Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier.
  • The Fabled Chawa
 And now it's time for the mutt's little brother. the second best tuner in the deck. Its biggest targets are Krus and Ganashia, but Cerburrel and Kushano do just as well. Like Cerburrel, there's not that much to say as the use is obvious. Run at 2, though 3 is possible.

Well, there is one thing... The discard is an effect, not a cost. Should your opponent tries to drop Maxx "C" or stop Chawa's summon, you can stop or minimize the plays right there, especially if you dropped Kushano for Chawa's effect.

Now, here's this little pooch's big kicker: It can single handedly wear out Light and Darkness Dragon because of it being an effect. All you have to do is have this and a Fabled in hand, and you can kill that behemoth in no time flat and act like nothing happened.
  • The Fabled Ganashia
 The elephant from Hindi mythology is the non-Tuner answer to Cerburrel. It's not quite as useful as the mutt, but this has a good deal of interesting qualities to it. Its nature promotes using it either as Xyz Fodder or as a target for Leviair. With Kushano out and about, this thing becomes a lot more live and can allow for all sorts of shenanigans together. Run at 2.

Alright, so that's all the main deck Fableds, techs aside. They all have synergy with one another, though it's really divided into three parts: Kusha + Chawa, Cerb + Ganashia + Krus, and Grimro. The rest of the deck is spent increasing the efficiency with other synergistic cards, such as:
  • Doppelwarrior
 Noticed something about how Fableds work so far? They special summon from the grave. A lot. This card is almost never dead and it can set off a combo in no time fast. It can turn a Kusha swapping itself for Ganashia into a Scrap Dragon, or a Grimro combo into Ancient Sacred Wyvern or Black Rose Dragon. Speaking of the latter, you can choose to keep the Tokens alive after the nuke, because of chain resolution. Just set this off then BRD. Easily the best non-Fabled support for the deck... Until Tour Guide came out. Run 2.
  • Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
 You know him, you love and hate him, it's Gorz! The use here is no different than any other deck, really, so not much needs to be explained... Just stops many OTKs and gives the deck another leg to stand on.
  • Junk Synchron 

Yusei's signature tuner still has a place here, even after the death of plants. His effect is self-explanatory, and it can open up a ton of combos, especially with Doppel. Not much else to say, really, just run at 1-2.
  • Sangan
 Another self-explanatory staple to increase the consistency of the deck. It's great for Synchros, and it's amazing if you open Tour Guide without Grimro. The only cards it can't grab are Gorz, Grimro, and Ganashia. The sheer number of combos this can set off are absurd, and the fact that it's level 3 just makes Chawa and Cerburrel love him more.
  • Tour Guide from the Underworld 
All aboard the rape bus! The famous walking Rank 3 finds more of a home in Fableds than most any deck. She has 3 targets other than herself and she can set up all sorts of plays, between the three Xyz she can turn into in Fableds. She's a huge combo starter, especially if Grimro is in your hand, and can set you up for the whole duel if you open with her. She's also amazingly easy to topdeck at 3.

There you have it, the monsters that make up Fableds in the current format, which leads us into the spells and traps of Fableds. Most of these are just self-explanatory staples, but some of them deserve an extra word.

  • Card Destruction
 A nice card to have for combos. You can easily make it a +0 that wrecks the opponent's hand while setting off your own combos. Rather straightforward card as you how you use it.
  • Pot of Avarice

 Fableds absolutely LOVE their pot. When this went to one, many tears were shed by the beasts and demons... But they still utilize the hell out of this one copy. If they draw it, it often means game for the opponent in the same way Future Fusion means GG when Disaster draws into it. If you're not running this at the most you can in the given format, you're doing it wrong.
  • Reinforcement of the Army
"But there are only 2-3 targets"... That's really not good logic for the situation. Yes, there are only a few targets, but this card never dead draws. It's a free search for a Doppel or Junk, given the situation. The targets are amazing and it gives the deck a nice consistency boost.
  • Fiendish Chain
 DO NOT RUN VEILER. Fableds hate Veiler because of how it clogs the hand more often than it helps. This, however, does everything Veiler does but better for the deck. It also protects your life, unlike Veiler, in exchange for being MSTable. It pairs up nicely with Reckless Greed. Main 2.
  • Reckless Greed
 What do you do for an archetype that draws and combos a lot? MOAR DRAWING! This card is wonderful bait and amazing in multiples, given how easily you can explode with even a single copy. Run 3 copies for maximum consistency.
  • Solemn Warning
 DO NOT MAIN SOLEMN WARNING. You can side it, but Fableds are a high-risk-high-return deck. The main deck can use the deck space better on things to boost the consistency of the deck and cards to stop the opponent's decks better. In the current format, run Fiendish Chain before you main this.

There you have it. The Fabled Main Deck, staples aside. I'll post an optimal build later, after I go over the Extra Deck and techs as well. Thank you for reading this, and I hope it helps anyone that would like to run Fableds ^^