Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fabled Techs [March 2012]

Sadly, a deck like this doesn't have too much in the ways of techs, but there area few you can do, though some of them promote different variants of the basic deck.
  • Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator
A very straightforward tech that can give the deck a little more S/T protection. It's easy to get out the tuners needed for its effect and the cost is relatively non-existent here. If you're looking for a non-Fabled tuner besides Junk Synchron, this would be your guy.
  • Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
Yes, this is indeed a TECH in Fableds. There's no real reason to run it as it's just a luck sacky boss monster that doesn't really do anything for the synergy of the deck and can clog on rare occasion. The slot it uses can generally be better spent on other things to boost consistency.
  • Dandylion
 Anyone who's been in the game for a bit knows this adorable little demon. Alas, with the death of Glow-up Bulb, a chain reaction went off to make this not as good in Fableds. Doppelwarrior usually covers the same job but better, and it doesn't eat your normal summon up. Only case this is really close to superior in this deck is with Foolish burial, but... We'll get to that.
  • Quickdraw Synchron + Drill Warrior
By teching 1-2 Quickdraw into the deck you gain some extra ways to dump Kushano as well as a discard outlet that constantly allows you to plus and poke the opponent. This variant of the deck was a lot better while Glow-up was alive, but it's still recommended you run Dandylion and Level Eater if you run Quickdraw, especially more than 1. If you run more than 1 Quickdraw you should also add either a Junk Destroyer or Road Warrior to the deck, whatever your preference, but we already covered the cramped Extra Deck.
  • Level Eater
 Synchro Shenanigans out the wazoo by teching a single copy of this card into your deck. Sadly, it's not as good now that Glow-up died and took One for One with it for the deck. It tends to clog now and is a decent tech, but not really recommended for now. Again, Foolish Burial will be addressed soon. Put @0-1
  • Snipe Hunter
 Nice Lv. 4 that opens up Synchro plays that can potentially net a profit off of them. It's a bit outclassed and sometimes slow but it can definitely help out at the right time, and is one of the better techs.
  • Spell Striker
 Lv. 3 Warrior with less than 1500 ATK is a nice little tech that can be summoned for no cost, really. It can poke the opponent without fear of battle damage, and it's quick Synchro fodder that empties the hand. It's not a bad card at all, if you want to tech it, just unneeded. Only 1 if you do.
  • The Fabled Nozoochee
 The only Fabled that really qualifies as a tech. It's just a bit subpar and unneeded in the deck. If you feel risky enough and somehow have an extra slot you can tech 1.
  • Weeping Idol
 In exchange for Lv. 3 Warrior pokimg Synchro Fodder, you can have a DARK Lv. 2 that pairs nicely with Tour Guide for a +0 Synchro from hand using Leviair to get back what this banishes. Considerign that will probably be a Lv. 4 or 5 it has some nice targets and it's a nice combo piece, but more than 1 is inconsistent. Run 1 if any.
  • M-X-Saber Invoker 
 This is one of those cards that makes the deck a whole new variant. The deck can summon Rank 3s without batting an eyelash so it's not hard to set off. You can run this +2 Wind-up Soldier or 2 X-Saber Galahad and a XX-Saber Hyunlei in the Extra. Alternately, 1 Soldier and 1 Galahad. The fact that you'll most likely ditch a Kushano for its effect, a Cerburrel in hand can make an instant Lv. 6 or 7 Synchro. Or a Grimro when Kushano is face-up. I wouldn' recommend running this variant unless you're looking more for fun.
  • Foolish Burial
 Another card that doesn't seem like a tech, but it is. Well, this format at least. It can set up big plays and it's easily the best -1 in the game, but it's not necessarily best for the deck, when the only great targets this format are the Kushanos shared with Tour Guide. It's useful, but as a tech.
  • Monster Gate
 With Tour Guide, Sangan, and Kushano in the deck, it has 6 targets that can easily make up for its cost. It's a +0 minimum, more often than not, and has a tendency to be a great +1 to set off your plays and thin your deck. One of the better techs.
  • Divine Wrath and other traps of the sort.
 See this? This is a side tech option, if anything, because we are in the TCG. In the OCG Raigeki Break is actually pretty good because its chainable and can hinder Inzektors more consistently than Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, which is also decent-ish there. This serves the same point as those two while not being chainable. You can tech 1-2 in the SIDE if you don't have ny other options or feel a bit risky.

Well, that's all for Fableds except the sample deck itself. Thank you for reading this, and I hope it helps anyone that would like to run Fableds ^^