The deck is themed towards swarming the field and summoning Synchros while using cards like Formula Synchron, T.G. Hyper Librarian, and Fabled Ragin to draw more cards and maintain the advantage spent on the Synchros. They also don't need a Normal Summon to explode in a fair few cases, which gives the deck a lot of speed.
Fableds also have a lot of extraneous members who don't add anything to the group, though a small handful work quite well together. Let's detail those first:
Anyone should be able to see the appeal of this card. It's a Reinforcement of the Army for the archetype so it should clearly be run in 3s at all times, right? Wrong. Despite the fact that Grimro is an absolutely AMAZING searcher, she has a tendency to dead draw if you run her at 3. 2 is the optimal number here, because she can still open up huge plays.
Speaking of those plays, it all depends on what card you open with as to how you use her. Open Tour Guide from the Underworld and Grimro? Ganashia. Open Kusha/Tour Guide/Ganashia/Cerb and Grimro and Chawa? Krus or Ganashia. Swap that Chawa in hand with Krus? Chawa. It all depends on the set up you have, and the plays will become more evident to you as you play the deck.
Abslutely amazing in tandem with Chawa though it's good in a lot of situations.
... As a side note, I'm not sure if it's a guy or a girl. No one seems to know...
It has another use... But that'll be covered when we get to Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier.
Well, there is one thing... The discard is an effect, not a cost. Should your opponent tries to drop Maxx "C" or stop Chawa's summon, you can stop or minimize the plays right there, especially if you dropped Kushano for Chawa's effect.
Now, here's this little pooch's big kicker: It can single handedly wear out Light and Darkness Dragon because of it being an effect. All you have to do is have this and a Fabled in hand, and you can kill that behemoth in no time flat and act like nothing happened.
- Fabled Grimro
Speaking of those plays, it all depends on what card you open with as to how you use her. Open Tour Guide from the Underworld and Grimro? Ganashia. Open Kusha/Tour Guide/Ganashia/Cerb and Grimro and Chawa? Krus or Ganashia. Swap that Chawa in hand with Krus? Chawa. It all depends on the set up you have, and the plays will become more evident to you as you play the deck.
- Fabled Krus
Abslutely amazing in tandem with Chawa though it's good in a lot of situations.
- Fabled Kushano
... As a side note, I'm not sure if it's a guy or a girl. No one seems to know...
- The Fabled Cerburrel
It has another use... But that'll be covered when we get to Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier.
- The Fabled Chawa
Well, there is one thing... The discard is an effect, not a cost. Should your opponent tries to drop Maxx "C" or stop Chawa's summon, you can stop or minimize the plays right there, especially if you dropped Kushano for Chawa's effect.
Now, here's this little pooch's big kicker: It can single handedly wear out Light and Darkness Dragon because of it being an effect. All you have to do is have this and a Fabled in hand, and you can kill that behemoth in no time flat and act like nothing happened.
- The Fabled Ganashia
Alright, so that's all the main deck Fableds, techs aside. They all have synergy with one another, though it's really divided into three parts: Kusha + Chawa, Cerb + Ganashia + Krus, and Grimro. The rest of the deck is spent increasing the efficiency with other synergistic cards, such as:
- Doppelwarrior
- Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
- Junk Synchron
Yusei's signature tuner still has a place here, even after the death of plants. His effect is self-explanatory, and it can open up a ton of combos, especially with Doppel. Not much else to say, really, just run at 1-2.
- Sangan
- Tour Guide from the Underworld
There you have it, the monsters that make up Fableds in the current format, which leads us into the spells and traps of Fableds. Most of these are just self-explanatory staples, but some of them deserve an extra word.
- Card Destruction
- Pot of Avarice
- Reinforcement of the Army
- Fiendish Chain
- Reckless Greed
- Solemn Warning
There you have it. The Fabled Main Deck, staples aside. I'll post an optimal build later, after I go over the Extra Deck and techs as well. Thank you for reading this, and I hope it helps anyone that would like to run Fableds ^^